Text Analysis - EDA for Text Data

Exploratory data Analysis is a art and one should be a expert in that in case of Data Science or Machine Learning or Natural Language Processing.

There are many things to do in case of text data .you can do text analysis before pre-processing and after pre-processing.

Visualization helps us to understand the data in very effective way .

I have done almost all the necessary EDA needed for a text document and published that as a kaggle kernel with clear and neat explanation .
have a look to my notebook and if you find it useful please to up vote to the kernel as it will help me to do more stuffs

To understand the text data there are multiple visualizations helpful
1)Bar chart
2)Word Cloud
4)Pie chart

I have used matplotlib and seaborn for this visualization

There are many other graphs to understand the text data
With the help of bar chart and pie chart you can able to find the distribution of the category of the Target variable

Link to the kernel : https://www.kaggle.com/vpkprasanna/basic-text-cleaning-wordcloud-and-n-gram-analysis


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