Resources to learn AI,ML,DL and NLP part 2

                          The New Era of Data science

In the last article we see what are the topics needed to covered to learn Data science and to get started in that field .
   In this article we will see some more interesting resources to learn and work and contribute to the open source community

This era is all about community learning where we can learn a lot from expert people and can able to interact with those expert people.
some interesting community which i found useful are
School of AI where they used to conduct lot of meetups and Hackathons and events around the globe
there are many community in school of AI based on there region you can have a google search based on your region like - school of AI Delhi or Chennai

1)we have some dedicated meetup group for Chennai - School of AI- Chennai
our link - website
Meetup  - page

2)Other community where you can learn a lot is Co-Learning Lounge
Telegram link  - Link
where there are more the 2k members who are all data scientist and freshers and data science Enthusiast.

you can follow google developer or GDG to learn more about cloud ,Firebase,and more other stuffs.
There are many community which are specialist to certain framework or community
1)TensorFlow user group
2)Flutter group
3)Kaggle Discussion
4)pytorch Lovers

and there are many more too based on your interest you can contact the core member and be a contributor and you can learn from them too .

Online Hackathons
    Now you have some over all knowledge about Machine learning , CV,Deep learning and NLP,but you could not able to find a perfect project to do there are some platform where they used to host a hackathon and if you win they are ready to hire or give a cash price for your effort .I will list some online hackathon conducting platform

i.e..The above image a not a online hackathon it is original hackathon.


 The trend has now changed form video to audio , there are more podcast available for data science filed now-a-days and i will list the popular ones

If I miss any hackathon or podcast please leave a comment and i will try to add it soon on the next blog .
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