There are more Activation Functions in Deep Learning and Machine Learning ,with the help of many libraries and framework these activation functions can be used but we don't know how it can be coded Mathematically
In this post i am going to show how it can be coded Mathematically for all the mathematical function
List of Activation Function available
- Sigmoid
- Relu(Rectified Linear Unit)
- leaky Relu
- Tanh or hyperbolic tangent Activation Function
Pythonic Way of representation
def sigmoid(z):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
RELU(Rectified Linear Unit)
Pythonic Way
def ReLU(z):
return z* (z > 0)
LRELU(Leaky Rectified Linear Unit)
Pythonic Way
def dReLU(z):
return 1. * (z > 0)
def tanh(z):
return (2/(1 + np.exp(-2z))-1
The above notes only contain the most important Activation functions which we used for any kind of machine Learning Model or Deep Learning Model.
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