How i get into AI domain

This is about my self how i started my carrier in the filed of Machine learning ,Natural Language Processing

To know about this we have to travel a little back where i was studying my college Third Year,6th semester .
colleges will conduct some mini project competition and me and my friends formed a team to do the project and we choose we can build a small Android App and it was quite easy at that time , and we struggled a lot to find proper documentation guidance was not there ,but somehow we managed to complete the project

Project Submission day
    The Day arrives where we have to submit our project and we submitted our project and suppose in our department 100 people are there more than 75 % of the people chosen Android development as their domain of the project, i suddenly stunned what happens if all these people as a competitor during my placements time.

The Decision Maker
    I thought a lot and we have to choose some other domain as our carrier in future we cannot choose Android as a carrier ,so i started to search online about the technology which is going to rule for the next 10 to 20 years and i saw many TECHNOLOGY that were going to rule the future and nothing were quite interesting to me 

The pop-up changed my file
    I saw a ad pop up on my screen saying that , Machine Learning is going to RULE the future and i can able to predict about future,this made my mind more curious and i was more fascinated to know about this i started to surf a lot on that topic and i did not find much information in that bu i can able to say that it is going to rule the market in the upcoming year .

Discussion with Friends
     I discussed about this technology with my friends that You know what, there is a technology it can able to predict the future!  none of my friends believed on that so i started to explain about that to my friends and my friends were also eager to learn about this.

Self Learning
    The Most critical part of all the developers , as it is a new technology i cannot able to find many online contents and tutorials at that time ,what ever i got i studied that and i learned a lot and struggled a lot while learning those concepts .

To be continued....


  1. Really waiting for the next part.Hope you write it soon..

    1. You will get it very soon .Happy Learning and reading

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